2019 High School Archaeology Camp - Final

This event is no longer on sale.

Sunday July 14

9:00 AM  –  10:00 AM

Congratulations! You took the first step toward making lifelong memories and learning something new! What will you discover? Find out this summer!

There are just a few more steps to secure your spot, so get started before it’s too late!

Step 1 -  Please indicate the number of spaces you wish to reserve in the box below. Full payment is due at this time. “Member” tuition is based on a donation of $100 or more, which you may add before checkout.

Step 2 – Registrant Information: Please provide us with the camper's name and your (the parent's) contact information. 

Step 3 – Additional Information:  Let us know what communication you want from Crow Canyon, and how you heard about us.

Step 4 - Review:  Confirm your program and contact information.  You can become a member by adding a donation to the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center annual fund and supporting our mission.

Step 5 – Checkout:  You made it! Enter your payment information and Complete Purchase. You will receive a welcome email and a packet of information about your program from Winona within two business days.

Questions? Call Winona at (800) 422-8975 ext 455.